Thursday, September 19, 2013

DIY Natural Acne Treatments

Everyone wants clear skin but it's easier to said than done. Sometime that "bad boy" called acne won't leave our face. Acne involves the overproduction of sebum and blockage of the pores with mass of dead cell and oil. This creates a breeding ground for bacteria in our skin. Another most common contributing factors for acne is hormonal changes. Some girl have their acne usually in a week before menstruation.

Here i have some natural treatment i made that i have been using for my acne care lately. It seems to have helped me soothe my acne and relieve the scars.


Yeepp i made it into an ice cube cucumber ! I grind the cucumbers and mix with water then i pour into ice cube trays, put it in the freezer and TARRAA ! ice cube cucumber is ready to served !!! :p Cucumber can remove dead skin cells and clean pores. They moisturize, remove extra oil from my face and soothe my acne. Usually i used this once every other day. I apply it before washing my face.

Water from washing rice

made it into ice cube again ! its easier this way XD i can used them whenever i want..
This time they look like regular ice cube so be careful if someone wants to make ice tea. Make sure they know which ice cube tray is for the ice tea and which one is for the face..
to make this ice cube water from washing rice, i wash the rice in branch water (can be mineral water or water from your tap) and after the water become white, i pour the water into ice cube tray..and put it in the freezer. I used this once every other day too. Apply it before washing my face. This ice cube can give you a bright clear look skin and relieve the scars from your acne.

do you have any other suggestion about natural acne treatments ?


  1. This is such a cool treatment, the first time I've ever seen this kind of thing! C: Definitely going to try this next time, hehe. <3 Thank you!

    Junniku blog [Click!]
    - A Korean fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog!

    1. your welcome and thank you for your comment..if you've tried it, let me know the result too.. would want to hear about it <3

  2. Nice Tips Cinta ^_^
    Coba deh tar, nyuri-nyuri tempet bekuin esnya dulu wkwkwk

    1. Thank you..
      semoga berhasil dengan tips ku ini ya Luci..
